bus Adler Trans
Bus services
Germany — Ukraine
Upcoming departure dates
Kyiv - Dortmund
Dortmund - Kyiv
bus Adler Trans
Bus services
Ukraine — Germany
Upcoming departure dates
Kyiv - Dortmund
Dortmund - Kyiv
In two directions
In one direction
Upcoming departure dates
Kyiv - Dortmund
Dortmund - Kyiv
Our advantages

Free Luggage

Baggage up to 50 kg
is carried free

Drinking water

Free drinking water during the journey for all bus passengers


Wi-Fi on the whole route. There are Ukrainian and German telephones on board

Open Date

Option to purchase open-date ticket

Discounts and Bonuses

Flexible discount system and rewards program for repeat customers


Shipping of letters and parcels to/from Ukraine

Comfortable Coaches

Euroclass buses with multimedia,
climate control, and restrooms

Customer Reviews

Our clients are always happy and satisfied

Adler Trans Route map
About us
Adler Trans Bus

Regular passenger transportation to Ukraine by Adler Trans

travel with us safely and comfortably

When you buy a bus ticket, you pay not only for the journey from departure to destination but also for comfort. Our buses have comfortable, adjustable seats with plenty of legroom. We also offer Internet access to make your trip faster and more enjoyable.

Why traveling with us is a good choice?

Providing services since 2006
We care about our passengers' comfort
We have experienced drivers
We have regular technical checks
Travel abroad only with foreign passports
Our News
cities of the new route
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There is no blocking of passenger transport!
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bus services almost every day!
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Travel abroad only with foreign passports
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The Adler Trans transport company provides regular bus services from Germany to Ukraine

We are happy to offer you more options for a comfortable bus trip to Ukraine. Our main goal is to make it pleasant and safe. We are true professionals. We provide a modern service with a personal approach to each passenger. We have been in the business of regular bus services for many years and are results-oriented. We are proud to offer you the best in the category of coach travel.

Our vehicles offer all amenities to make your trip as smooth as possible. All our buses feature comfortable reclining seats and footrests, Wi-Fi and phone chargers, minibars, and entertainment systems.

Traveling between Germany and Ukraine is a core business of our company. We know that convenience and punctuality are essential for a good journey. Therefore, our highly qualified technicians perform a thorough technical inspection of vehicles before each trip. We also employ trustworthy and reliable drivers with many years of experience in passenger transportation.

Our company is one of the leading companies in the transportation market that pays special attention to the safety and comfort of its customers.

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