The Offer Contract

"ADLER TRANS" LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Carrier") offers an unlimited number of natural persons (hereinafter referred to as the "Passengers"), who are endowed with a sufficient amount of rights and powers, to receive services for the international transportation of passengers in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

This Agreement is public, in accordance with Art. Art. 633, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, and its conditions are the same for all Passengers, the unconditional acceptance of the conditions of which is considered acceptance of this offer by the Passenger, for which the Carrier publishes this Agreement.


1.1. Each Party guarantees to the other Party that it has the necessary legal capacity, as well as all the rights and powers necessary and sufficient for the conclusion and execution of the Agreement in accordance with its terms.

1.2. The current version of this Agreement is posted on the Carrier's website at: and must be available for the Passenger to read.


2.1. In accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Carrier undertakes to provide services for the international transportation of the Passenger and his luggage (hereinafter referred to as "Services"), in accordance with the route, date and time of departure chosen by him, and the Passenger undertakes to pre-pay for the Carrier's Services.


3.1. The contract is concluded between the Passenger and the Carrier in the form of an adhesion contract (Article 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine).

3.2. Acceptance of the terms of the Agreement means full and unconditional acceptance by the Passenger of all the terms of the Agreement, without any exceptions and/or limitations, and is equivalent to the conclusion of a bilateral written Agreement on the provision of Services to the Passenger.

3.3. The Passenger accepts the Agreement after reading its terms and conditions, which are set out on the Carrier's website (, by making payment for the Carrier's Services by the Passenger in accordance with the tariffs specified on the Carrier's website (

3.4. Actions are specified in clause 3.3. of this section, which are performed by the Passenger, indicate that the Passenger is familiar with this Agreement and agrees with its terms in full.

3.5. The term of acceptance is not limited.

3.6. The contract is considered concluded and enters into force from the moment of acceptance and is valid for the entire period of receiving the Services, or until the moment of its termination, in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

3.7. The conclusion of the Agreement means that the Passenger:

- to the extent necessary for him, he familiarized himself with the rules for the provision of Services;

- recognizes the unconditional professional suitability of the Carrier and the rules for performing all actions described in this Agreement;

- accepts all terms of the specified Agreement without comments.


4.1. Services are provided to the Passenger exclusively on a 100% prepaid basis by paying for the transportation selected by the Passenger in accordance with the tariffs and in the currency indicated on the Carrier's website (

4.2. Payment for the Carrier's Services, as well as other financial obligations of the Passenger to the Carrier, which may arise in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement, are made by transferring funds to the Carrier's current account using the "LiqPay" system, or online payment through "Privat24", and also directly through a bank institution using the details indicated on the Carrier's website (

4.3. In the event that the electronic payment system does not work for any reason, the payment for the ticket can be made by the Passenger at the time of boarding the bus, at the flight attendant. Payment is accepted only in cash. To avoid bus departure delays, the Carrier recommends arriving at the stop no later than 30 minutes before the bus departure and preparing the total amount for the ticket in advance.

4.4. The Passenger's possession of the ticket indicates that the Passenger is familiar with and agrees to the rules for transporting Passengers and baggage.

4.4. The conditions for reimbursement by the Carrier for transportation unused by the Passenger are specified on the Carrier's website (


5.1. Rights of the Carrier:

- change the time and place of departure of the bus;

- change the route of the bus;

- change the Passenger's seat in the bus;

- if necessary, change the route of the bus;

- to change the terms of the provision of Services regarding the re-registration of the order, or the refund of funds for unused transportation, having previously posted the information on the Carrier's website (;

- to postpone or cancel flights for technical reasons, in connection with adverse weather conditions or for other reasons beyond the control of the Carrier;

- to continue the scheduled flight without the Passenger and without reimbursement of the fare, in case the Passenger violates customs and border rules and is detained at the border;

5.1.1. The Carrier is obliged to notify the Passenger in advance of all changes provided for in clause 5.1 of this section by SMS/email/phone call.

5.1.2.In the event that the contact / mobile phone indicated by the Passenger in the ticket turned out to be incorrect, and it was not possible to contact the Passenger or send an SMS message using it, the Carrier shall not be responsible for informing the Passenger in advance of any changes, related to the provision of Services. Claims for such cases will not be accepted.

5.2.Obligations of the Carrier:
- properly provide Services;
- in case of cancellation or significant changes in the terms of the provision of Services (if as a result of such changes the Passenger cancels the order), provide an opportunity to depart on another flight of the Carrier, or return to the Passenger the funds received as a prepayment;
- to provide consultations on questions arising from the Passenger regarding the provision of Services;
- keep the information received from the Passenger confidential;
- to acquaint the Passenger with the rules of passenger transportation, terms of registration, re-registration of the order and terms of returning tickets.
- to use all means dependent on him for the transportation and delivery of the Passenger and luggage to the destination in a reasonable time. The schedule indicated on the tickets, website, posters, advertising booklets and other documents is informational and its exact implementation is not guaranteed.

5.3.Passenger rights:
- receive consultations on issues arising in connection with the provision of Services by the Carrier;
- to demand confidentiality in relation to the information provided when making a payment.

5.4.Responsibilities of the Passenger:
- to comply with the terms of this Agreement during the entire period of provision of Services;
- pay for the Services provided by the Carrier in accordance with the procedure specified in this Agreement;
- provide documents and reliable information necessary for the provision of Services;
- faithfully follow the recommendations of the Carrier during the provision of Services.


6.1.The route, date, time of departure and arrival are indicated on the website of the Carrier ( and in the ticket purchased by the Passenger.

6.2.The fact of the end of the service is arrival at the final destination indicated on the Carrier's website ( and in the ticket purchased by the Passenger.


7.1.By providing his personal data to the Carrier, the Passenger consents to their processing, for the purpose of issuing tickets and providing Services, paying for tickets, invoicing, for migration and customs control, for administrative and legal actions, etc.

7.2.The passenger gives consent to receive information messages from the Carrier.The frequency of messages depends on the factors and actions of the Passenger. If the Passenger wants to refuse to receive information messages (except for those directly related to the ordered Service), it is necessary to notify the Carrier about this by sending an email message or making a phone call using the details indicated on the website (https://adlertrans

7.3.The passenger is responsible for the information provided to the Carrier in order to fulfill the latter's obligations regarding the provision of Services.

7.4. The Carrier has the right to record telephone conversations with the Passenger.At the same time, the Carrier undertakes to prevent attempts of unauthorized access to information received during telephone conversations and/or its transfer to third parties who are not directly related to the provision of Services.


8.1.The carrier is not responsible for:
- for the delay, cancellation, transfer, change of the terms of provision of Services, if such changes were not caused by the fault of the Carrier;
- for expenses incurred by the Passenger as a result of late arrival at the destination;
- for things left or forgotten in the bus cabin;
- for any damages incurred by the passenger as a result of the illegal activity of any private person (including other passengers, road users);
- for untimely delivery of the vehicle caused by force majeure (including, but not limited to: weather conditions, traffic jams, actions of state authorities, etc., as well as actions of passengers that affect the Carrier's proper performance of its obligations), rejection from the schedule, or other circumstances (technical problems of the bus on the way to the place of departure), which the Carrier, despite the measures taken, could not foresee and prevent;
- for non-compliance by the passenger with the norms of border and passport control.

8.2.The passenger is responsible for:
- for providing unreliable data when registering Services;
- for drawing up the necessary documents for crossing the borders of other states.

8.3.The parties have agreed that any disputed issues that may arise in connection with the implementation of this Agreement will be resolved through negotiations.

8.4.All disputed issues are considered in the presence of a written statement sent by postal means.The pre-trial dispute settlement procedure is mandatory.

8.5.In the event that the Parties cannot reach an agreement on disputed issues through negotiations, these issues shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.


9.1.The passenger guarantees that all terms of this Agreement are clear to him and he accepts them unconditionally and in full.

9.2.On issues not regulated by this Agreement, the Parties undertake to be guided by the norms of the legislation of Ukraine.

03115, Kyiv, Peremohy avenue, building 136, apartment 34
Contact phone numbers:
+38068 229 93 03
+38073 229 93 03
 +49234 601 46 941

Email address:


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