

Muenster is located in the north of North Rhine-Westphalia, on the Münstersche-A, 15 km before it flows into the Ems.

The highest point is on a promontory hill in a nature reserve - 98.8 m above sea level. The lowest point is in the northern part of the city on the Ems at 38.6 m above sea level. The city of Muenster is 60 m above sea level (measured at the central market in front of the town hall).

The nearest larger cities are Osnabrück (44 km to the north), Dortmund (61 km to the south), Bielefeld (62 km to the east) and Enschede (Netherlands) (65 km to the northwest).

The city is one of 42 urban agglomerations in Germany. Almost half of the city's area is farmland, so the population density is low - about 1000 people per km².

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